Dublin: 10 °C Monday 10 March, 2025

17 photos that beg the question 'What the hell happened?!'


1. How come we weren’t invited?

hqlVX6u Source: Imgur

2. Did a miracle take place?

EHMf079 Source: Imgur

3. We don’t even want to begin to think about what happened here…

SIiTE Source: Imgur

4. Looks like someone went rogue

ZamZ6 Source: Imgur

5. … what happened that necessitated this sign being put up?

7V43MaA Source: Imgur

6. Or this one!

j04H2mQ Source: Imgur

7. Someone decided that they weren’t going to buy their kid a toy after all and bought whiskey instead :(

xsNYkr7 Source: Imgur

8. “I can explain”

X9sLyEg Source: Imgur

9. “Recent events” – Holy hell, what were people doing with Oreos?

KDNEPJt Source: Imgur

10. *wistfully* “Scooby Scooby Doo/Where are you?”

What happened Scoob? Source: Imgur

11. Someone had an EMERGENCY

tumblr_nminc8rkvv1qi5fw0o1_500 Source: Sad Stuff On The Street

12. And someone else was like, “I am DONE with Will Smith”

tumblr_nav9c4EesP1qi5fw0o1_500 Source: Sad Stuff On The Street

13. That’s exactly what happened.

14. Some parent was just like “You stay here and I’ll be back”

UFdGBqD Source: Imgur

15. “Hello, guards? I seem to have lost my house.”

house Source: WKBN

16. Someone took a sign a little too literally…

fRjlgVM Source: Imgur

17. Note to self: never Google ‘Canadian history’.

Seriously, what happened in Canada!

KUTa2l7 Source: Imgur

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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